I’m trying to upload images using mapilio_kit for the first time, but has run into an issue.
I’m running Ubuntu 23.10, has installed mapilio_kit in a Python3 venv and run mapilio_kit authenticate with success.
But when I try to upload images I get a Python error:
(mapilio_kit) tryl@sofie:~/synology/streetcam/mapillio/mapilio-kit$ mapilio_kit upload ~/synology/streetcam/mapillio/2017-05-07/garmin-0deg/0/success/
metadata properties being processed: 0%| | 0/874 [00:00<?, ?files/s]
usage: mapilio_kit [-h] [--version] {upload,decompose,authenticate,video_upload,image_and_csv_upload,CSVprocessor,gopro360max_process,zip,run} ...
mapilio_kit: error: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
My images are geotagged, but I get the error both when I try to upload and decompose and upload via mapilio_kit run.
I also tried cloning the git repository and running setup: Same result.
If there just was a stack trace I might be able to track it down. Any good idears? A fix, how to run mapilio_kit in a development mode?
Best regards, Simon